I have known many successful entrepreneurs over the years and there is one common characteristic I have observed in all of them. Put simply, they can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t buy their product or service. They firmly believe that those who don’t buy are really missing out! This is passion as it applies to success in business.
The next question we must answer is how we define our product or service’s unique feature or ability that inspires our passion. What separates us from everyone others who offer similar work? Be careful here. Saying that you have a unique process isn’t going to get it done. What makes your process unique . . . and be specific. Our client’s receive “high touch” service is not a message that inspires passion.
Our clients complete a rigorous initial needs analysis resulting in a crystal clear understanding of their personal objectives. Once needs and objectives are defined we work diligently to define the plan, followed by detailed implementation and then twice-yearly status reviews. There is no room for error when the objectives are yours!
What makes this message passionate?
- Rigorous initial needs analysis
- Crystal clear understanding
- Diligently defined plan
- Detailed implementation
- Status reviews
Once you have defined your unique offering, you must then prepare your passionate presentation.
Understanding a business owner’s financial needs does not happen with a ten question fact finder. Our rigorous review ensures that we begin with a clear picture of the issues that keep you awake at 2 o’clock in the morning and then dig deep into the financial picture that is causing these sleepless nights. We don’t offer “canned solutions” and implementation means the client is involved. Finally, we are not advisors that implement a solution and disappear. The client must be willing to meet with us annually to ensure that their solutions remain current.
Finally, passion means you truly believe your message. I think there are times when advisors give “lip service” to their belief that they offer unique value. Believe me, the prospective client can tell when your belief is half-hearted. Practice, practice, practice. Tell anyone that will listen.
The final test of your passion is when the alarm goes off in the morning. Do your feet hit the floor and you can’t wait to start conveying your message?
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