There are more than 7 million closely held businesses in the United States. They need support from advisors like you if they are going to survive the economic downturn, grow their business, and eventually cash out. This blog is for the advisor who would like to grow their presence in the business owner market and enhance their skill set in working with business owners.
Consider these statistics:
Small business produces roughly half of the private Gross Domestic Product and between 60 percent and 80 percent of net new jobs.
The United States has almost 6 million small employers, 90 percent of which employ fewer than 20 people. Small firms represent 99.7 percent of all employers, and small firms with fewer than 500 employees represent 99.9 percent of the 26.8 million businesses in the country, both large and small.
More than 90 percent of adult Americans would either strongly approve or approve of their son or daughter starting a business.
A net (favorable minus unfavorable answers) 66 percent of Americans think that small business "exerts a positive influene on the way things are going in the country today.
Over the last 28 years I have worked with business owners who were focused on building their businesses. Some were starting from scratch. Others were a year or two into their existance and looking for ways to move beyond survival mode. Still others had matured, but growth had leveled off.
During the past five years I have been heavilly focused on business owners who were beginning to prepare for their ultimate transition from the business.
Additionally, I work directly with advisors to business owners who would like to grow their practice. We put systems in place and craft a message that resonates with the business owner.
Working with business owners and those that serve them is certainly the most gratifying work I could ask for.
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